Tuesday, June 14, 2011

8 months

Balls of all kinds
The bath tub
Pulling himself up to standing
Follow the leader
Sweet potatoes
Rides on trains
Swimming with Grandma & Grandpa
Climbing stairs
Wind-up toys

Johnny Jump-up
Poopy diaper changes
Not being able to feed himself with a spoon
Hitting his head on everything
Celery root
An empty bottle
Not walking

 Motor on little dude...motor on!

Monday, June 13, 2011

A boy and his dog

I want to do a series of these because the relationship between Finn and Bleu is just too funny, it goes beyond the high chair

I found the two of them like this the other day while I was fixing dinner. Finn was busy taking all of his toys out of his basket and Bleu was curled up keeping watch over him. Although Bleu looks pretty bored with the conversation!

Friday, June 10, 2011

It's Pizza Friday!

Matt and I eat pizza every Friday...I know this is not the healthiest of habits but it makes the question "what's for dinner?" really easy to answer every Friday. We always get Papa Murphy's pizza so it isn't dripping with grease and if you order the cheese pizza you can put your own topping on and save a ton of money (not that a Papa Murphy pizza is all that expensive). Eventually I would like to get my act together enough to make our own pizza every Friday from scratch...I know, I know, it isn't difficult and doesn't take that long, but you tell that to the grabby 7 month old that wants to touch and put everything in his mouth. Long story short, we like pizza on Friday's (no matter where it comes from or who made it) and now Finn is joining us in our little family tradition.

Do any of you have Family traditions that you have passed down to your children? Or maybe you have started new traditions with your family? Please share with us!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Growing Up

Oh my little boy is growing up so fast...but to tell the truth, I don't really missing the past. I loved being able to hold him snuggled up to my chest and not have to worry about him ripping my earrings out, or being able to set him down on the ground and know he will be in that exact spot when I got back. As nice as all these things are and were I am loving the new things even more.

I love that he will see me or Matt from across a ball field and squeal with delight.
I love that he can crawl to me (more on that later) and then hold his hands up in indication that he wants to be lifted.
I love that when he smiles I see two perfect little teeth.
I love that his personality is starting to come through.

I love all these things so much and I am positive that when he starts walking I'll love that, and when he starts talking endlessly I love that. These things are all the things I imagined parenthood to be, and to be able to experience them first hand is pretty amazing.

Not to leave you on a cliff hanger with the "more on that" comment above, I had a wonderful video of Finn taking his first crawling steps in his room. It was a precious moment and a pretty funny video, and I deleted it! Yup, that's right, the daughter of an IT Director, an employee of a company that touts the importance of backing up your data, did not back up her data and accidentally deleted the video with no way of recovering it! UGGGH! So I have been meaning to get a new video of Finn crawling but life got in the way and a few days after learning how to crawl he learned how to pull himself up, so I am posting a video of him pulling himself up instead. The little bugger is already standing and cruising along anything that will support him.  I'm going to have to re-think my baby proofing strategy in our house.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I have been wanting to go the the MakerFaire for several years now but I always seem to miss it when it come though the Bay Area. This year I finally made it! Matt was underwhelmed by the thought of so many geeked out people so he opted to stay behind, but Finn and I donned our Star War's tee-shirts and barged over to San Mateo for some serious science and robot fun along with my parents, Mika, Cici & April.

First up, and the sole reason I really wanted to go to the Fair:

There were about 5 fully working droids on display that people had made themselves!  I have put this on my bucket list of things to do.

Introducing Finn to R2-D2...he was mesmerized
 I think Cici benefited the most from this trip, everything she encountered was amazing to her

Getting lost in the lighted forest
Showing off her Michael Jackson moves on the lighted dance floor

playing with the light wall

Moving giant Cupcakes?!  Yum

Taking a spin on the solar powered merry-go-round
When Finn wasn't napping he was having fun trying to strangle Papa with his hat strap and riding a Tauntaun looking stuffed animal (I really wanted to buy it but it was in the $300 range, yikes)

I will be sure never to miss this event again...maybe next time I'll make it a two day event!  Geek out everyone!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Choo Choo

A couple months ago Finn got to go for a ride on a real working steam train with his Aunt Laura and Uncle Dusty. He is practicing for their Big Day when he will be in charge of their rings while attempting to walk/crawl/be carried down the aisle.