Oh my little boy is growing up so fast...but to tell the truth, I don't really missing the past. I loved being able to hold him snuggled up to my chest and not have to worry about him ripping my earrings out, or being able to set him down on the ground and know he will be in that exact spot when I got back. As nice as all these things are and were I am loving the new things even more.
I love that he will see me or Matt from across a ball field and squeal with delight.
I love that he can crawl to me (more on that later) and then hold his hands up in indication that he wants to be lifted.
I love that when he smiles I see two perfect little teeth.
I love that his personality is starting to come through.
I love all these things so much and I am positive that when he starts walking I'll love that, and when he starts talking endlessly I love that. These things are all the things I imagined parenthood to be, and to be able to experience them first hand is pretty amazing.
Not to leave you on a cliff hanger with the "more on that" comment above, I had a wonderful video of Finn taking his first crawling steps in his room. It was a precious moment and a pretty funny video, and I deleted it! Yup, that's right, the daughter of an IT Director, an employee of a company that touts the importance of backing up your data, did not back up her data and accidentally deleted the video with no way of recovering it! UGGGH! So I have been meaning to get a new video of Finn crawling but life got in the way and a few days after learning how to crawl he learned how to pull himself up, so I am posting a video of him pulling himself up instead. The little bugger is already standing and cruising along anything that will support him. I'm going to have to re-think my baby proofing strategy in our house.