Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First day of school

Today was Finn's first day of daycare.  Yesterday was my first day back to work but today was Finn's first day of daycare.  He gets to spend Monday, Wednesday and Thursday with Grandma and Grandpa O'Brien, and Tuesday and Friday he goes to daycare.  Finn enjoyed both days away from mama with no problems and to be honest, I was pretty happy to join the land of adult conversation myself.  The teachers at daycare reported that Finn made a new friend named Mateo and settled right into the routine.  Hopefully this wasn't a fluke and this transition goes well for us.

"off to school, off to school to prove to dad that I am not a fool..."

Finn looking excited; Mom looking unsure

1 comment:

  1. Hi OBees i am really enjoying watching you and seeing Finnigan as he grows each day. Most of all i love hearing your laughter and happiness and joy with your sweet baby boy. I will cu soon. love and hugs xoso
