If you have already celebrated your Valentine's day this weekend I hope it was fun, if you are waiting until tomorrow to dive into those box of chocolates enjoy!
As for me I am going to count this as my Valentine present from Matt, even though he has some sort of surprise hiding out in our loft, but this weekend he planted me a lawn. We went with a drought tolerant Eco-lawn. Pros = less watering. Con = slow growing. We will just have to wait until we can roll around on our own grass.
those biceps are my second valentine present!
While Matt was outdoors enjoying the beautiful sunshine we are having here on the west coast, I locked myself in the house to bake and decorate Matt's valentine presents from me (well, one of them anyway). This was my first time using the flooding method to decorate sugar cookies and the final product wasn't that bad. Although, next time I will use royal icing instead of the butter cream frosting because it dries harder.
on another note, is it a bad thing that I would rather stay inside all day baking, cooking and decorating even when it is beautiful and 60 degrees outside? Sometimes I feel like I am obligated to go outside and enjoy the sunshine but today all I wanted to do was make cookies and look after my little boy. Perhaps when the grass grows in I will be more tempted to spend time outside.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone out there in cyberland and stay tuned for some 4 month old photos tomorrow.
happily domestic,