Coming it at 14lbs and 25 inches...the reigning champion of sleepless nights and soiled diapers...Finnegan Patrick O'Brien!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Guess who came to town...
The Big Man made an early appearence in Ben Lomond this week so Finn just had to go meet him, sadly Finn wouldn't wake up to actually meet Santa, but we took the photos anyway
And after a big day of meeting Santa and Christmas shopping Matt and Finn settled down for a classic bedtime story. Finn really enjoys hearing The Lorax, he smiles and coos during the whole story and loves looking at the pictures.
And after a big day of meeting Santa and Christmas shopping Matt and Finn settled down for a classic bedtime story. Finn really enjoys hearing The Lorax, he smiles and coos during the whole story and loves looking at the pictures.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Matt and I both decided that if Finn would allow us we would try to keep our semi-active lifestyle after he came into our lives, and lucky for us he is allowing us to do that.
Walking West Cliff with Grandma. This was his first time seeing the ocean and smelling the fresh sea air. I think he enjoyed himself and I definitely enjoyed myself
Next up on the list of Finnegan's firsts....first Beer Pong Tournament. Matt teamed up with his friend Dustin and rocked the team red tracksuits and made it through several rounds before having to throw in the towel. Finn started out in my Ergo front carrier, but was quickly taken out to be passed around until he found his way to Vegas lap where he decided he would stay and take a nap while being lulled to sleep to AC/DC blaring in the background. Awwww
Finally, last night he tagged along to the Scoma's first annual holiday party. Between our friends Maryann, Beth, Lindsey and Monica I never had to worry about holding my child during the entire party! The party was so much fun, good food, good friends and even a White Elephant party where the hot item of the night was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Snuggie. Matt was so jealous of Finn getting to snooze on Vegas lap at the Beer Pong Tournament that he decided to 'Snuggie' up with him during the party.
I have no photos to share of our fun night but Matt and I were also treated to a Date Night by Paul and Sally (really I think it was all a ploy for Sally to get to hold Finn for an entire night) who bought us tickets to go see Mixed Nuts. The night started out a Burger where the two items on the menu are burgers and own personal heaven! With more than 20 beers on tap and a happy hour that went from 4-7 everyday I was finding it hard to decide where to begin. The burgers were yummy, the beer was cold and I was a happy girl. Mixed Nuts ended up being a really fantastic production, it was like the bastard child of the Nutcracker and Cirque du Solie. All in all a wonderful night and we are hoping that there will be many many more Date Nights in our future.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Giving Thanks
We all enjoyed a great Thanksgiving dinner with the Cali side of the O'Brien clan. The food was delish but was a little bittersweet without Grandpa Pat at the head of the table. Finn dressed up in his holiday best for Thanksgiving this year and as you can see in the photo below, we was not completely excited to be in his holiday best...
...but once he was put at the dinner table and got to sit next to Auntie Laura he perked right up.
He was probably just so excited to show her that he finally fit into the "big boy" shoes he got from her and Dusty.
Speaking of being a big boy, Finn is starting to drink from a bottle and his Daddy got to take over one of the night feeding for the first time over the Holiday Weekend. Just look at the focus on both of their faces!
And while we are on the subject of faces I am starting to see more and more of Matt in Finn's face, but I'll let you decided for yourself
like father like son?
We met up with Finn's Nana and Papa in San Francisco the weekend after Thanksgiving, thanks to my Dad securing hotel rooms for us so we could spend the night. I didn't feel like packing up the Pack n' Play so Finn got to sleep in a suitcase for the evening.
After only an hour of driving around Union Square we found a parking spot so that we could all get out and look at the holiday lights.
in front of th tree
Papa & Nana
and our friend Soroush dropped in to meet Finn as well
And I will wrap up this post with a little friendly bet...what color eyes do you think Finn is going to end up with?
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