Sunday, November 21, 2010

Who are you?

"So, who are you again?"
"I'm your Grandpa!"

"ooookay, I'm gonna contemplate that awhile"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

1 Month old

My baby is one month old! 

Things started out pretty easy for us in month one, Finn would go to sleep right after eating and he was sleeping in 4 hour increments.  Month two seems to be a different story.  At night he wants to stay up and be held for several hours before drifting off to sleep and has switched to a two hour eating schedule.  Lucky for us his Papa (Danielle's Dad) got him a swing with all the cool bells and whistles and this magical chair helps send little Finnegan right off to dreamland.

Another new development for our little boy is the introduction of the Binky.  I was a little nervous introducing the Binky because you hear all the warnings about nipple confusion and using it as a crutch, but this thing has been the best calming agent for the little man not to mention the cute factor...I mean look at that mug!  So adorable!

I originally bought the 12 month old pacifier (who knew there were different sizes?) you can see that the top of the Binky would push up his nose as he sucked, which I though upped the cute factor, but Finn wasn't so impressed.  I had to go back and get the correct size so he now can breath and suck at the same time.

I leave you all with some of my favorite faces of Finn


Huh, huh, huh


Milk drunk

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welcome Finnegan Patrick O'Brien!

At 1:10pm on October 14, 2010 Finnegan Patrick O'Brien was pulled into this world, weighing in at 8lbs 13oz and 22in long.
After two days of mild labor with no progression we decided to go with a c-section, and it was a good thing because his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice!

quick look into a day in the hospital during my stay

Just before getting released, Finn decided to get Jaundiced so we had to stay a few days longer.  A brief stay under the UV lights and glowing Bili-lights cured his yellowing skin and we were free to go home

And a happy boy he was to be heading home!