Monday, March 14, 2011

five lucky months

There once was a boy named Finn

We really don't know where to begin

Today is month five

We're so glad he's alive

Just look at his shit eating grin

*Note from Finnegan*
"Thank you Aunt Kathleen for buying my shamrock onesie!  And thank you cousin Christia for making it"

If you would like to own an adorable handmade onesie head on over to her Etsy shop MamaBird

May the saddest day of your future be no worse
Than the happiest day of your past


  1. Awww, I just got SO excited when I came upon this post! I'm behind in my blog checking-up. He's so adorable! Happy 5th month, Finn- can't wait to meet you!

  2. I love the onesies you make Christia! I think Finn is in the giraffe one at least once a week, it is getting too small but I still cram his little body into it :)
